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Bacon Mozzarella Sticks


Oooh a crispy bacon coating on these mozzarella sticks makes this a yummy treat for all!


  • 8 to 10 strips of bacon

  • 8 to 10 mozzarella sticks

  • 1 Cup of panko

  • 1 Tbsp of dried parsley

  • 1 Tsp of garlic powder

  • 2 Eggs beaten

  • Oil for frying


  1. Fry bacon until crisp, blot on paper towels and let cool

  2. Combine the Panko, Parsley Flakes & Garlic Powder in a bowl

  3. Once bacon is cool, put in a food processor to create bacon bits

  4. Combine bacon bits with the panko mixture

  5. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl (or something long enough to hold cheese sticks

  6. Dip cheese sticks in egg bath, then roll in the panko, bacon mix

  7. Coat well, place on a sheet/tray

  8. Once all coated, place coated cheese sticks in the freezer for at least 2 hours

  9. After frozen solid, heat a pan of oil to 350 degrees

  10. Fry until golden brown

  11. Let cool, serve and enjoy!

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